Friday, April 22, 2011

Answer of tag!

Welll "The solitary writer" one of my great buddy tagged me in an awesome post. First of all thanks a lot for tagging me I am honored yeahh!! :') Secondly, I really enjoyed the questions, interesting mazay dar! :).

Ten how’s: 

1. How did you get one of your scars? My finger got burn, when I was ironing d dress :(
2. How did you celebrate your last birthday? with friends in uni and at home with family :)
3. How are you feeling at this moment? happy plus sad for the death of Moin Akhtar. May his soul rest in heaven amen. :'(
4. How did your night go last night? full of dreamss!! achay achay walay!!:)
5. How did you do in high school? Awesome, great, amazing, wonderful:P
6. How did you get the shirt you’re wearing? My dad gifted it :) Looove u dad :*
7. How often do you see your best friend(s)? Dailyyy!! and I keep in touch with other freinds through text! I love forwarding text! ;)
8. How much money did you spend last month? ahem ahem ahem...:P
9. How old do you want to be when you get married? emm...emm...neva think abt it!
10. How old will you be at your next birthday? ohh ohhhooohoo :D :D 21 :)

Nine what’s:

1. Your mother's name? Mrs. Hanif :P
2. What did you do last weekend? work, assignment, study, dinner with family, it was a great weekend! :)
3. What is the most important part of your life? My family :)
4. What would you rather be doing? well, offcourse, playing farmville or cityville or searching the terms!
5. What did you last cry over? for cornetto choco disc :( I love choco made stuf!! :)
6. What always makes you feel better when you’re upset? CRy!! :/
7. What’s the most important thing you look for in a significant other? mmmmhhhhmm....
8. What are you worried about? Assignments and exams :( 
9. What did you have for breakfast? Anda, bread or parhata ahaa yumm!! full tym healthy wealthy nashta :) Mere sehat ka raaz :P

Eight Have you-s:

1. Have you ever liked someone who had a girlfriend/boyfriend? naaa...!
2. Have you ever had your heartbroken? hmmm :( :( ahhh...:(
3. Have you ever been out of the country? na....
4. Have you ever done something outrageously dumb? almost daily..:P actually I enjoy doing such blunders, part of life an my excellent golden memories :)
5. Have you ever been back stabbed by a friend? May be, my friends know better about it..
6. Pass
7. Have you ever dated someone younger than you? hahahaah NO!! but It would be fun hahaha :D :D
8. Have you ever read an entire book in one day? yeah short story books.

Seven who’s:

1. Who was the last person you saw? My sis!! :)
2. Who was the last person you texted? KIru! :)
3. Who was the last person you hung out with? My family :)
4. Who was the last person to call you? Ashley!
5. Who did you last hug? My mum's khala!
6. Who is the last person who texted you? Ashley!
7. Who was the last person you said “I love you” to? My cousin aroug :) <3 and to all my buddies luvv u ppl!! :)

Six where’s:

1. Where does your best friend(s) live? Karachi :) They all are with me <3!!
2. Where did you last go? Library
3. Where did you last hang out? Clifton
4. Where do you go to school? Karachi, Pakistan!!
5. Where is your favorite place to be? a place where alllllll my friends are!!
6. Where did you sleep last night? on mattress :P:P

Five do’s:

1. Do you think anyone likes you?  EVERYONE LIKES ME! I AM SURE <3 <3 :)
2. Do you ever wish you were someone else? naaa! I am happy for what I am!! :)
3. Do you know the muffin man? yeh kon hai?? :s who!
4. Does the future scare you? naa..I trust God! :) 
5. Do your parents know about your blog? hahah!! Yes!! :D

Four why’s:

1. Why are you best friends with your best friend? cuzzz my all friends are so awesome and special :)
2. Why did you get into Blogging? to vomit out my feeling!! My blog is one of my best buddy!! <3
3. Why did your parents give you the name you have? actually my parents didn't give me this name. It was my phuppho who suggested it! :) bt my father selected d koolest nick name for me! thx dad! <3 :)
4. Why are you doing this survey? Cuz its veryyy interesting enjoying ti :)

Three if’s:

1. If you could have one super power what would it be? I don't want any super power I am happy for what I am! :) :) :)
2. If you could go back in time and change one thing, would you? nothing, Jo hogaya so hogaya! lets think for d future :)
3. If you were stranded on a deserted island and could bring 1 thing, what would you bring? My cell phone with unlimited sms package!!  :D :D

Two would-you-ever’s:

1. Would you ever get back together with any of your ex’s if they asked you? no ex no chance of going back :(
2. Would you ever shave your head to save someone you love? well yeah!! anything for love ones!! <3

One last question:

1. Are you happy with your life right now? Offcourse Alhummdulliah!! :)


  1. hehe Thanks for completing the tag....great to know more about you

  2. that was so interesting knowing all this about u :)

  3. awsum jst saw ur blog 2day after too many days nd love u 2 babes nd nina ko name meri mama ne dia :D :D islie to we both r same love u <3 <3
