Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Are we free?

Article published in T33N Magazine Volume.1 Issue.3 (Online Magazine), September issue
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Friday, September 23, 2011

The golden desert: Sahara desert

Published in Young Nation 24, September 2011

The golden desert: Sahara desert

Nature has given us many wonders some are man made and some are natural. Man has tried and trying to make out of the box wonders through their innovation but man can never beat nature. Natural wonders include desserts, forests, rivers, oceans etc. By hearing the word dessert dry golden sand and hot climate strikes the mind which is actually true. Pakistan is also blessed with this gift of nature. We have Cholistan, Indus Valley, Kharan, Thal, and Thar Desert present in different parts of Pakistan but Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the world.
It is present in the continent of Africa covering almost eleven countries, fully or partially desert. It includes countries: Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Sudan, Tunisia etc. Being the largest hot desert in the world, Sahara Desert is spread over an area of more than 9,000,000 sq km. In terms of area, it can be say that Sahara desert is equivalent to the continent of America. From north to south the Sahara is between 800 and 1,200 miles and is at least 3,000 miles (4,800 km) from east to west. The desert divides the continent of Africa into two parts - North and Sub-Saharan Africa.. On the west, the Sahara is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and on the east by the Red Sea, and to the north are the Atlas Mountains and Mediterranean Sea. The Sahara is one of the hottest places on Earth. Its temperature may rise to 136 F (57.7 C). On the other hand Antarctica is considered as the ice dessert.

Nature ha splashed its colors every where. It’s a general perception that a dessert is hot and dry so living things can’t live there but plants have the courage to stand bravely in such heat. These plants are very specially. It includes:
Orange trees: Most people associate oranges with California or Florida. But the hot and dry regions of the Sahara also give rise to orange trees, particularly along the Nile River, and other oasis spots in the desert.
Herbs: One of the most popular herbs in American kitchens is thyme. However thyme is very important ingredient of our food also as our pizzas are incomplete with this herb.  Many Sahara residents grow thyme in their gardens to spice up their food.
Fig trees: It’s almost hard to believe that delicious, moist figs grow in the harsh climate of the Sahara, but figs have been a staple of the Sahara diet for centuries.
Magaria: These light brown fruits are roughly the size of a cherry. The people who live in Sahara region use dry magaria to make cakes.

Olive trees: Olive is the speciality of Sahara dessert. It is one a beauty secret to have a healthy, shiny and beautiful skin. Olives or olive oil is almost present in everyone’s house. As it’s the main ingredient to cook food and to garnish pizzas.
However cactus tree is the main charm of any dessert.
Sahara dessert is also rich in animals. Wildlife of Sahara dessert is very attractive. A long with the plants there are many animals that are committed to Sahara dessert. It includes animals:
Camels: When one says the word 'desert', first golden and dry sand strikes the mind and second word that comes to our mind is 'camel'. Camels are usually associated with desserts because they are tall and can store liters of water inside them. There are two major types of camels found in the world, Bactrian and Dromedary camels. The Dromedary camel, which is said to be of Arabian Origin, is the main Saharan camel.Camels is domestic animals and residents of Sahara use them for their domestic purposes.
Addax Antelope: Addax Antelope is one of the most beautiful animals in the world. But unfortunately this animal is the most hunted animal around the world. Therefore they are rare. Antelopes are flat-footed antelopes that can easily traverse the sandy landscape of the Sahara. The Addax Antelope is classified as an endangered animal.
Ostrich:  Ostriches are the largest birds in the world and different breeds of ostriches are found in various parts of the Sahara desert. An average ostrich can run at 40 miles per hour.
Goats: Goats are found almost everywhere in the world, so as in Sahara desert Goats are popularly domesticated by the Saharan people along with camels. Goats are mainly domesticated for their milk but are sometimes used to carry goods.
Dorcas Gazelle: The Dorcas Gazelle is another exceptionally beautiful animal found in the Sahara. It is the most common species of gazelle and stands up to 65 cm tall and weighs around 25 kg. It is also known as the Ariel Gazelle.
Death stalker Scorpion: Scorpions are another breed of animals that are commonly found in desert areas.  the death stalker scorpion is the native scorpion of the Sahara Desert. It can grow up to 10 cm long and although toxic, its venom is not very fatal.
Monitor lizard: The monitor lizard is another native of the Sahara Desert as it stands on its two hind legs and appears to be monitoring the surroundings.
Sand Vipers: Sand Vipers can grow up to 50 cm in length. They venture out only during the night, and usually bury themselves in the sand during the day. Their bites too are rarely fatal.
God can puff life into a dead creature so having life in dessert is not a big deal. Sahara is the hottest dessert of the world. We people from Pakistan can’t survive in it but people who lives there are habitual of this atmosphere and their bodies are ready to face harsh temperatures whether they are residents of Sahara or plants and animals of the desert.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ten things for happy life

Published in Young Nation 10, September 2011
Ten things for happy life

Ten things for happy life

1) No one is incharge of your happiness except YOU so believe in yourself. Work hard to get good remarks and praise that will make YOU happy! Moreover, do some social work because it will gives you inner satisfaction and happiness.

2) What other people think of you is none of your business. Let the people say what they want to say, turn deaf ears to them. Jealousy and envy surrounds everybody but do listen to your parents and family members as they are your well-wishers.

3) No matter how good or bad situation is, it will change. Just keep this phrase in mind "the time will pass" , ye waqt guzer jaye ga. In happy and sad moments. Both are the part of our life but don't be remain sad in bad situations. If its bad today, tomorrow good news is coming towards YOU.

4) Your job won't take care of you when your are sick but your friends will so stay in touch with them as they are your real assets. Don't keep yourself busy and busy all the time. Yup no doubt work comes first but you are nothing without your friends and family. so stay in touch and give them time.

5) No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up. There are 50% people in the world who are happy on your failure. They celebrate your disasters. Don't give any chance of celebration to such people but speak out in front of your friends and well-wishers as they will cure all your disappoinments, failure and depression.

6) Life is to short to waste time in hating anyone. Don't hate others just kicked out the word HATE fron your dictionary. Dilute the feeling of hate by the flowers of patience and LOVE. Before hating someone just look at your self no one is Angel here!

7) Excessiveness of any thing is not good. For example, overeating will affect your stomach. Don't over do. Keep your limits. Limits are the border line. if you cross the limits then you are fully aware with the consequences. Try to set limits for everything and stop people at the borderline when they are about to cross the limits.

8) Every one is fully aware with the pros and cons of the task he is going to do, so do right things for the right results.

9) Life is a long journey and the best is yet to come.

10) Most important always thanks Allah Almighty.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A visit to Bookistan

Story published in Young Nation, 3 September 2011

“And the first position goes to Fahad Khan”, teacher announced while students were clapping, Fahad came forward and took the report card from teacher with a happy face and moved towards his best friend Maaz who was failed in two papers as always.
““Congratulations Mr. Nerd!” Maaz wished Fahad. “Thanks bud” Fahad murmured. “What’s happen to you?” Maaz asked. “You are failed in two papers, Maaz be serious with your studies. This is your high time…” Fahad was replying Maaz interrupted him. “Common Fadi…I write every answer correct in the paper but the teacher doesn’t have the caliber to understand my answers. Poor she!” said Maaz proudly. “Yeah yeah Mr. Einstein…Lets go. I’ve to buy some books on the way to home.” said Fahad. “Books…?? No not again!!” said Maaz with a peevish face. On the way to Book stall, Maaz asked, “So dude where the party is tonight?” “No party tonight. I am going to my Grandma’s house.” Fahad replied while moving towards the book stall. “Okay man the treat is due on you”, said Maaz. Fahad was fond of books at the time he was looking the books, Maaz was whistling. He stooped whistle when a golden cover book caught his eyes as he started moving towards the book. The book became more and more glorious as if it was calling Maaz come towards me! Fahad’s attention diverted by Maaz’s footsteps as Maaz moved his hand to pick up the book Fahad picked it first “Ahan what a lucky book you are, what’s your name?”Bookistan” nice name “, Fahad addressed the book. “Mr. Cool dude wants to read you. There must be something special in you”, Fahad added while he was scanning the book. “Maaz this book is not for you”, said Fahad with a clever smile. “May I ask why?” asked Maaz. “It's contained all our course exercises. It’s a combo of math, chemistry, physics exercises and vice versa.” said Fahad but Maaz eyes were sticked to the book. The book had a very strong influence on Maaz’s heart while staring the cover he said, “I want to buy it”. “Really…?? Great buddy! It’s a gift from me to you”: said Fahad with a friendly smile. Maaz checked time and said, “Thanks bud, It’s too late now let’s go home.”

            At night Maaz was sleeping on his bed. He woke up by some unpleasant noises as if many people were talking loudly. He nervously looked here and there to found out the people but no one was in the room. Suddenly, the golden pages of the book got his sleepy eyes in which lots of rabbits were talking. Maaz rubbed his sleepy eyes. He thought as if he was in a dream but the scene didn’t change. He moved towards the book as he put the book in front of his eyes, the book pulled him inside. Maaz was very nervous. He was looking here and there to recognize the place until a rabbit came close to him “welcome in “Bookistan” the world of rabbits” rabbit greeted Maaz. “How can you speak? Umm...Umm…you are a rabbit”, astonish Maaz asked, with in a second many rabbits encircled him and said, “We all can speak…ha…ha…ha” Maaz got very scared “I want to go back…I want to go home…Mom…Mom…help me!!”, scared Maaz said. “you want to go home?” rabbit asked, Maaz moved his neck positively “Alright my boy then you have to solve all the exercises of this book to reach the last chapter that is your exist and for every wrong answer your one humanly organ turn into rabbit’s organ and If all answers are wrong then you will become a rabbit like us and will remain in Bookistan for life time ha…ha…ha” said rabbit while laughing wildly. Maaz cried a lot till he ran out of his breath but he gather all his scattered spirits and emotions and decided to solve the exercises. He moved towards math section and failed to solve the sums as a result his ears turn into rabbit’s ears and a tail also came out. He stopped solving the exercises and started crying again but no one was there to hear his painful cry.
            Next morning Fahad went to Maaz’s house. “Maaz good morning where are you?” Fahad shouted in his room but no reply came from Maaz. Suddenly Fahad eyes caught into the golden pages of the book. He turned the pages and found Maaz crying inside the book, with a blink of an eye the book pulled him inside. Fahad was a wise and smart boy; he has watched and read many mysterious stories and movies. Fahad without wasting anytime move towards Maaz. “Maaz my friend” said Fahad. Maaz stood up and ran towards Fahad and hugged him “Thank God you are here!” “What happen to your ears…O my God you also have a tail…what happen to you?” astonished Fahad asked. Maaz told him that we are in Bookistan. He further told him about the rules and regulations of that world. Fahad decided to solve the exercises as soon as he corrected the wrong questions Maaz started turning in human form... Fahad successfully solved all the math exercises and moved towards chemistry section. At one formula Fahad got confused. ”wha...wha…what happen Fadi, why do you stop? Solve it”, Maaz stammered. “I am trying to memorize the formula. I remember, sir Minhaj has taught us in class. Do you remember?” Fahad asked, Maaz turned his neck down with shame. “Oh! Don’t be sad. I am trying” said Fahad. At this moment, Maaz promised to God “If we successfully made it to move out from this world, I’ll concentrate on my studies.” “Eureka! I got the answer” said Fahad in happy tone. Fahad put all the right answers and completed all the exercises.
            Fahad solved all the exercises and they safe and sound came out from the book. They hugged each other with watery eyes. “Kids breakfast is ready” Maaz’s mother shouted. “Coming mom” Maaz replied with a peaceful smile on his face.
.           They returned the book to the shopkeeper. Now there is a strong competition between both the friends that who will be next position holder of the class.

The strenght of team work

Published in Young Nation as a cover story 3, September 2011

The strength of teamwork

School is the basic cradle of education for children. Kids start learning the lessons of teamwork and co-operation from their classrooms and playgrounds. Teacher gives one task to the class and all the students help each other to complete that particular task. It increases the spirit of teamwork and injects the feeling of sympathy and humbleness in them with the passage of time these kids understands the value of teamwork and togetherness whole class celebrates on the victory of their class fellow, all the students sing loudly “Happy birthday” to wish their fellow mates. The process remain continues till we enter in university life.

"Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success.”


University life is more practical then school life. In university, we actually implement the lessons of brotherhood and teamwork that we have learned in our school life and college life but with the increase of our physical size our mentality starts shrink. We start thinking very low. It has been noticed that in university students divides into small and big groups. However, the power and strength of groups are based simply on the number of students they have in their groups but in true senses their power and strength should be based on how much the team or group is co-operative? How much the groups help their fellow members? It has also been observed that if the proctor of class belongs to a certain group then he will favor his or her group all the time. Teacher gives an assignment to the class and the class already divided into groups completes it with the help of each other.

“Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success."
                                                                                                                                       Henry Ford

In office life this selfishness takes a very disgustful and offensive turn. The seniors consider themselves as boss and took full advantage of your innocence but whatever the circumstances is team work is major element for completing any assignment or job whether you are a school student, a university student or an office worker. Co-operation is the basic ingredient for any recipe. All the spices mix together as a result a tasty and aromatic dish fill every tummy. In the same way, when a team involves in a work a master piece came outside. There is a famous quote:

"Individual commitment to a group effort that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work"

 Vince Lombardi

How to develop Teamwork:

  • Clarity:
Clarification of goals and objectives is the main and most important factor for teamwork. Every member should be fully known by the facts and figures of the task.
  • Unity:
Throughout our school life we learnt the famous quote “Unity is strength”. This is the time to implement this quote in your group. If there is no unity between 1 or 2 members of team, then team will not meet its goal fully. Clear all your personal issues with each other then go for the object.
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
~ Helen Keller

  • Trust:
Build an honest and trust worthy environment. Be loyal with your team members.
  • Encourage:
Human being is hungry of encouragement. Encouragement is like the process of respiration. Respiration is important to live in the same way encouragement is necessary to polish the abilities of a person. Encourage your team members they will encourage you and it will create a healthy friendly environment.
  • Sharing:
Knowledge is power. May be the knowledge you know is key of problem for your team member. Share your knowledge with other as knowledge increases with sharing.
  • Language:
It is another important point to build team work skill. Everyone wants to listen good words and no doubt you personality reflects through your words. Use right words at right time. If your team member is scared or feeling low, encourage him/her by soft, motivating and encouraging words.
  • Listening:
Everyone wants to speak but no one wants to listen. Speak at your turn don’t interrupt your team member. Listen everyone’s point and then add yours.
  • Hard work:
Work hard and give your best to the team. Appreciate and admire other hard work also.

  • Creativity:
Show your creativity to the team member as it will add extra spice in your goal and objectives. Be creative.
  • Communication:
Communicate with your team members don’t hesitate. If you don’t like anything discuss it but don’t behave a hypocrite. Be natural and with your team.
  • Friendly atmosphere:
Try to build a friendly atmosphere so that anyone can interact and communicate without any fear or hesitation.
Following were the points to adopt for enhancing team work and for better result. Believe in team work. People who run behind individualism should learn lesson from the success of others who are working together and believe in togetherness. They earn more appreciation and cash as compare to a person who working individually. Moreover, destiny surrounds them; we can call it as kismet connection also. Everyone has his own destiny and luck but when the destiny and luck multiplies it give multiple fruits. Believe and focus on teamwork!